Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Qué es el formulario de ESTA para viajar sin visa a USA

El formulario de ESTA para viajar a Estados Unidos sin visa es una autorizacià ³n que deben solicitar los turistas o las personas de negocio de ciertos paà ­ses para ingresar al paà ­s por avià ³n o por barco de transporte. No es posible utilizar la ESTA si se llega en una embarcacià ³n o en avià ³n privado o de aerolà ­neas no autorizadas por el gobierno de Estados Unidos. En la actualidad de entre todos los paà ­ses en los que se habla espaà ±ol sà ³lo los espaà ±oles y chilenos pueden entrar en Estados Unidos sin visado. Aunque el gobierno de Washington està ¡ en conversaciones con algunos gobiernos latinoamericanos para extender este privilegio a argentinos, brasileà ±os y uruguayos. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar el formulario de ESTA para viajar sin visa Las personas que tengan un pasaporte de uno de los paà ­ses del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas y que desean viajar a Estados Unidos como turistas o personas de negocios. Sin embargo, si se ha viajado a Irà ¡n, Iraq, Yemen, Siria, Libia o Somalia despuà ©s del 1 de marzo de 2011, no se puede solicitar la ESTA. Es necesario pedir una visa de turista. Si se solicita la ESTA y se obtiene, destacar que la estancia siempre debe ser por 90 dà ­as o menos. No se puede ampliar de ninguna manera sin salir del paà ­s. Las personas con visa de turista B1/B2 vigente pueden seguir utilizà ¡ndola. Tambià ©n necesitan este tipo de visado los extranjeros que viajan a Estados Unidos en aviones privados. Por à ºltimo, entender que los extranjeros que residen legalmente en un paà ­s del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas no pueden beneficiarse de este privilegio. Por ejemplo, en Espaà ±a vive un nà ºmero considerable de latinoamericanos. Ellos necesitan visa para viajar a Estados Unidos, a menos que se hayan naturalizado espaà ±oles y tenga, por lo tanto, pasaporte espaà ±ol. Cà ³mo se solicita la ESTA para viajar a USA El formulario de ESTA se solicita por internet en una direccià ³n oficial del gobierno americano. Es necesario tener a mano el pasaporte (sin expirar) y una tarjeta de crà ©dito VISA, MasterCard, Discover o American Expres. En los dos primeros casos tambià ©n se admiten las tarjetas de dà ©bito.Tambià ©n hay que tener una direccià ³n de correo electrà ³nica. Si no se tiene, crear una antes de iniciar la solicitud.La aplicacià ³n es sencilla y requiere, como media, unos quince minutos en completarse. Hay que pagar una tasa por la gestià ³n de cuatro dà ³lares americanos. Y si la solicitud es aprobada se cargarà ¡n otros 10 dà ³lares. Ademà ¡s, es posible que la tarjeta de crà ©dito cobre una tasa por la gestià ³n.Antes de hacer el pago verificar que todos los datos son correctos. Ya que si se han cometido errores en cosas como la fecha en la que el pasaporte fue emitido o en la que expira y se detectan despuà ©s del pago serà ¡ necesario volver a comentar la aplicacià ƒ ³n del principio y habrà ¡ que pagar de nuevo.La respuesta se sabe prà ¡cticamente al momento. Se recomienda imprimirla y anotar el nà ºmero de caso. Finalizar posteriormente la aplicacià ³n o hacer cambios no esenciales Es posible hacer cambios posteriores, por ejemplo, para completar el nombre de la aerolà ­nea, la ciudad desde la que se viaja o la direccià ³n en la que se va a estar en Estados Unidos, el nà ºmero de telà ©fono o la direccià ³n de correo electrà ³nico. En estos casos basta con introducir el nà ºmero de la aplicacià ³n o datos como el nà ºmero de pasaporte, nombre completo y paà ­s que ha emitido el pasaporte. Cuà ¡l es la validez de la ESTA La autorizacià ³n para viajar es và ¡lida por dos aà ±os o hasta la fecha de expiracià ³n del pasaporte, cualquiera que se produzca antes. Ademà ¡s, es necesario aplicar por una ESTA nueva, aà ºn cuando su fecha està © vigente si han cambiado las circunstancias y la respuesta a alguna de las preguntas con opcià ³n de sà ­ o no del formulario ha cambiado. Por ejemplo, si se contestà ³ a una de ellas no y ahora la respuesta correcta es sà ­. (Sà ³lo a ese tipo de preguntas).   Si el formulario de ESTA expira mientras se està ¡ presente legalmente en Estados Unidos no es necesario aplicar por otra. Todo està ¡ bien. Quà © pasa con el I-94 Sà ³lo se llena el I-94W si se ingresa a EEUU por una frontera terrestre. El control de quien entra y quià ©n sale por aeropuertos y puertos se hace digitalmente. Ya no es necesario llenar el papelito con el que seguro està ¡n familiarizados las personas que han viajado con anterioridad a Estados Unidos. Quà © pasa si la solicitud de la ESTA es denegada Aunque en la mayorà ­a de los casos la ESTA se concede, cuando esto no es asà ­ no es posible saber la razà ³n exacta de la denegacià ³n. Y esto es lo que hay que hacer si no se obtiene la autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica para viajar. Es fundamental no caer en la terrible tentacià ³n de solicitar una nueva autorizacià ³n para viajar cuando la primera es denegada y mentir para intentar conseguir asà ­ la ESTA. Lo mà ¡s probable es que el sistema informà ¡tico detecte el intento o, si no lo hace, que sà ­ se descubra cuando se llega a la Aduana americana y se tiene que pasar por el examen de un oficial de inmigracià ³n. Cuando un extranjero solicita de nuevo la ESTA y le agarran en una mentira  se puede convertir  en inelegible para entrar a Estados Unidos. Y lo mà ¡s probable es que nunca consiga viajar al paà ­s. Ademà ¡s, es posible que aà ºn teniendo la ESTA la aerolà ­nea prohà ­ba embarcar.   A tener en cuenta Tener la ESTA no significa que se asegure poder entrar a Estados Unidos. La à ºltima palabra la tiene siempre el oficial de Inmigracià ³n en la Aduana. Para asegurarte de que conoces todo lo fundamental sobre la ESTA y sobre la estadà ­a en Estados Unidos cuando se tiene ese documento toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples. Si sabes todas las respuestas seguro que te evitarà ¡s problemas. Listado de paà ­ses y casos de doble nacionalidad Segà ºn las leyes de los Estados Unidos  ciudadanos de estos paà ­ses pueden viajar sin visa, sà ³lo con la ESTA. En el caso de doble nacionalidad es importante entender que si la visa se negà ³ con un pasaporte no es posible utilizar el otro para ingresar solo con la ESTA. Por ejemplo, un venezolano que solicità ³ la visa americana con ese pasaporte y su peticià ³n fue negada no puede utilizar el pasaporte portuguà ©s que tiene por ser hijo de portugueses para ingresar sin visa a los Estados Unidos. No se puede legalmente y ademà ¡s hay que tener muy claro que esta trampa que se pretende hacer es fà ¡cil de descubrir ya que cuando se pidià ³ la visa se tomaron las huellas digitales y cuando se pretende ingresar a Estados Unidos, tambià ©n, y el sistema TEC hace una comparativa y el oficial migratorio identifica al ciudadano portuguà ©s como el venezolano al que se denegà ³ la visa.

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Relationship of Gender and Language - 1812 Words

An interest in the relationship between gender and language use has sparked a wide array of studies since the 1960s . Researchers then began questioning the assumption that the different genders, as well as the language patterns associated with them, were biologically determined . While a vast part of the general public still adheres to the notion that there is a natural dichotomy between two completely distinct genders—male and female—it is now widely established in academic circles that this is not the case . The reality is far more complex. The term â€Å"sex† is now generally used to denote biological categories, as determined by female or male chromosomes and/or genitals . By contrast, â€Å"gender† refers to â€Å"a routine, methodical, and†¦show more content†¦It is important to note that these approaches are all linked, and elements from each one can be used to interpret how and why women and men talk the way they do, and what that sugges ts about them as individuals and as members of society. Extract 4 presents us with a conversation among four young female flatmates. The subject matter could be described as stereotypically female in that it is relatively trivial, pertaining to household objects and diets. They talk about tableware (l.22 â€Å"I’m absolutely loving this glass†, l.25 â€Å"this glass†, and l.26-34), which seems to conform with the traditional housewife role that women are (or rather were) meant to occupy, and about their eating habits (l.13 â€Å"low fat†, l.46 â€Å"diet killer†), linking to many women’s preoccupation with appearance. Lakoff argues that women have been socialized to gravitate towards these kinds of topics—which could be regarded as being irrelevant to the â€Å"real† world—because this separates the more serious male subculture from the more trivial female one (Lakoff 1973, p.45). The amount of laughter and the light-hearted tone fit into that argument, although they probably result from these women being comfortable around each other since they share a flat and presumably know each other well. In Extract 5, we are faced with a group of men, middle-aged and most likely working-class since they work at a car factory. One of them talks at length about a â€Å"pretty girl† he met during his naturalizationShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Gender and Language1984 Words   |  8 Pagesrange of language issues. In chapter 13, Wardhaugh provides a good insight to the relationship between language and gender. He explains gender differences of language-in-use with concise examples. 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BeginningRead MoreGender Is A Social Construct Rather Than Of Biological Origin1732 Words   |  7 Pages Gender is a social construct which is regarded as a sociolinguistic variable that affects language use in society. This contributed to characterizing many different aspects of life that were thought to be understood to be of social construct rather than of biological origin. Language as a crucial communication tool, not only reflects the reality of the society, but also has various functions to strengthen and maintain social existence. Males and females use different ways of thinking, processingRead MoreGender Stereotypes Essay832 Words   |  4 PagesHow is Gender represented in your TWO prescribed texts and ONE related text? In the texts of ‘The Chrysanthemums’ by John Steinbeck, ‘Folk Hero’ by H.M. Tolcher and ‘Ode to Barbie’ by Romanie Moreton the concept of gender is supported and challenged in a variety of ways. Men are typically portrayed as hard-working, rebellious and fulfilling a job in a male dominated profession. In contrast to this, females are depicted as fragile and emotional, having the role of the housewife. The authors of theRead MoreSexism : Women Are Weak, Less Intelligent, And Less Important Than Men1399 Words   |  6 Pagesof masculinity to toughness and competitiveness† and â€Å"the subordination of women.† Cornell claims that â€Å"such an idealized form of masculinity becomes hegemonic when it is widely accepted in a culture and when that acceptance reinforces the dominant gender ideology of the culture† (pp. 290-291). AsTrujillo (1991, pp. 291-292) put it, hegemonic masculine characteristics include â€Å"power defined in terms of physical force and control,† success defined in terms of occupational achievement in traditionalRead MoreApproaches to the Figure of Divine Wisdom in the Book of Proverbs1245 Words   |  5 PagesMcGrath suggests that ‘Feminism is a global movement, arguing for gender equality and a right understanding of the relationship between women and men to be affirmed by contemporary theology and practice’ (McGrath, 2011: p.88). Thus, when discussing wisdom in the scriptures the feminists are observing how gender is represented and the effect of this representation upon helping or hindering a ‘right relationship’ between the genders. 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Within this excerpt, the authors describe how in various other writings like Language and Social Identity by Daniel N. Maltz and Ruth A. Borker, describe men and women as fundamentally different (Disch 2009), and as a result have to compensate for those differences. Teaching people to be acutely aware of their differences onlyRead MoreDifferences Between Men And Women1746 Words   |  7 Pages Gender Differences in Communication Have you ever thought someone wasn’t listening to you? Or that your request is being ignored because the response wasn’t framed in a way it should have been? Maybe it’s because you were speaking to a person who was of a different gender. Men use short direct speech, while women use indirect dialogue. Therefore, when genders meet up there’s a gap in communication. Men and women unconsciously communicate differently in numerous ways, so by understanding each other’sRead MoreHow Do Gender and Race Influence on Negotiation 1746 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction-(1 page) Does gender influence how we negotiate, and how well we do? Does being a male or female affect our performance in a negotiation? Common logic tells us the answer is yes. Research concurs. Men and women differ in the way they view negotiations, the way they conduct negotiations, and even the outcome of negotiations. Being one gender puts us at an advantage to negotiate over being another gender. With the current style of negotiation, in the real world, men fare better in negotiations

Saturday, December 14, 2019

A rough background on Aquinas Free Essays

Acquiring the famous reputation as the â€Å"angelic teacher† among the rest of the medieval philosophers because of his overwhelmingly influential and prominent struggle in brilliantly standing on guard the Christian theology during his time which was saw one of the heights of the attacks on Christianity, Thomas Aquinas made use of human reason in resolving the criticisms that beset the Christian Church. Resorting to human rationality and argumentation in providing a substantial justification for the Christian doctrines that meddled specifically on the existence of God symbolized a staunch deviation from the tradition that preoccupied the minds of thinkers during the medieval period. His efforts at utilizing the Aristotelian concepts on metaphysics and epistemology alongside with reason roughly highlights his firm belief that even with the sufficiency of simple faith in establishing religious principles and the very existence of God the role of rational thinking in the strictest sense of the word can all the more fairly demonstrate the basic principles of the Christian faith. We will write a custom essay sample on A rough background on Aquinas or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of the most prominent arguments Aquinas proposed is his Five Ways to prove God’s existence. Although Aquinas’ attempt at proving the existence of God has startling parallels to that of Anselm’s Ontological Argument, the former claims that the argument of the latter thinker is unacceptable for the reason that man cannot explicitly demonstrate the existence of God whose nature is beyond the immediate knowledge of man through the straightest means (Oppy). Utilizing what seems to be a sprouting method of his time, Aquinas attempts at filling the structure of the Christian faith by embracing the field of rationality along with faith as the backdrop of his arguments. The Five Ways First of the arguments raised by Aquinas is the argument for The Unmoved Mover. At the center of this argument is the premise that no object moves without a mover, or that all objects move because of a mover in the sense that the leaves of the trees rustle because they are moved by the wind; that the balls in the billiard table collide with other balls or move around the table because of the force delivered through the cue stick. A hundred other more examples can be provided. Nevertheless the very essence of all these illustrations is that no object moves without a mover. Apparently, all the examples eventually lead to an infinite regress where no end can be perceived at first. However, Aquinas tells us that this is not really an infinite regress for there has to be the presence of a first mover which initiated the series of â€Å"movements†. At this point, Aquinas proceeds to remove the infinite regress by arguing that the first mover is God. In a seemingly parallel argument, Aquinas’ second argument rests heavily on cause and effect relation. That is, nothing is caused by itself. In other words, each and every effect ultimately boils down to a certain cause, or that it is of necessity that every effect for it to be an effect in the strictest sense has to be caused by something right at the onset of it being an effect. Again, it might be observed that a line of argument leads to an infinite regress. However, it is not the case for an ultimate cause above anything else has to be responsible for the chain of causes and effects. For that matter, Aquinas resolves the regress by arguing that the first cause is God. This is the uncaused cause argument. The third way offered by Aquinas in primarily proving the existence of God is the cosmological argument. At the core of this argument is the reference to time wherein material objects have not yet come into physical existence. All the objects that we may know today are virtually inexistent at such point in time. However, Aquinas goes on to argue that since all material objects already exist, there ought to be or have been something immaterial or non-physical which brought these objects into physical existence. In essence, Aquinas claims that God is the non-physical entity which brought about the material existence of these objects. Another argument which Aquinas tries to raise is the argument from degree. This argument apparently focuses its premises on certain variations of comparisons between qualities among men and other objects thereby providing a sort of background for yet another claim that all objects in the world, in their numerous manifestations, greatly differ and outweigh any traceable similarity that may hold them together. Thus, individuals may greatly differ in virtues, with one being an altruist and the rest vicious criminals aimed at furthering their personal ends. Nevertheless, even if people vary in these aspects, the contrast between them can only be achieved if we note of a certain referential point for all the degrees of comparison. The reference, then, should be one which is imminently a perfect maximum and that this maximum cannot possibly rest among men themselves. Hence, God is the perfect standard for all comparisons and is the ultimate reference. Lastly, Aquinas raises the teleological argument which is essentially the argument that seeks to prove the existence of God using the perceived design of the objects in the world. If we are to look upon the structure of the things we may either directly or indirectly perceive in the world, it will eventually dawn upon our thoughts that everything has been designed in such and such ways, serving various purposes that are derived from the very configuration of things. Similarly, it can be inferred from such premise that, since everything is so designed accordingly, there ought to be a designer of all these things which is a necessity which follows from the given observation on the design of things. The designer, as Aquinas argues, is God. Aquinas and human knowledge: faith and reason For Aquinas, knowledge is the comprehension of the supreme principles of being which define the very inseparable essences of the ultimate understanding of man—that of the sophia and phronesis. While the former is very much concerned with the individual’s intellectual capacity to exercise speculative thinking or understanding, the latter is primarily concerned with the aligning of the individual’s life in line with its fitting end through the role of practical wisdom. These two are inherently mutual in conception and are basically brought together in man’s attempt at arriving at the knowledge of everything. Moreover, this attempt of man in obtaining knowledge requires the aid of the Divine in such a way â€Å"that the intellect may be moved by God to its act.† Nevertheless Aquinas maintains that man by himself alone has the intrinsic and innate ability to grasp the knowledge of many things even without the special divine revelation. More specifically, natural revelation— ­revelations obtained through reason—is the truth which, due to man’s inherent human nature, is made accessible to each and every man. On the other hand, supernatural revelation allows man to comprehend the knowledge on the details of the existence and attributes of God requiring not merely reason but also faith. It should be noted that Aquinas is not entirely disproving the role of reason in arriving at the comprehension of things. Quite on the contrary, Aquinas strongly argues for the primal role of reason in arriving at knowledge. Nevertheless, even if he ascribes a premium weight on the significance of rationality, he qualifies this claim by stating that faith still holds central importance, specifically in acquiring knowledge of the existence of God and several other religious matters. It appears quite obvious, then, that the philosophy of Aquinas in addressing the inquiry on human knowledge of the world cannot be entirely separated from a religious perspective. In explaining the nature of man’s knowledge and how one is able to grasp an understanding of the universe, Aquinas reinforces his arguments at the bottom by infusing a religious strand in the heaps of his epistemological and metaphysical inquiry. Aquinas on Aristotle The philosophy of Aquinas, in its very focal point, is seen to be heavily tainted with the philosophy of Aristotle. Much of this claim, for one reason, rests on the historical perspective wherein several of the writings on the philosophy of Aristotle eventually reached the shores of Europe during the time of the Crusades. The ancient texts were then a part of French as well as Italian universities and institutions of education around the middle part of the thirteenth century. Like Aristotle, Aquinas himself agrees and proposes the claim that man is in fact a rational animal wherein man is able to grasp an understanding of the world and to arrive at knowledge of the Divine through this reason. Though man is an entity imbued with reason, man can merely arrive at such a comprehension of the universe through empirical means. That is, man is capable of grasping knowledge of the world through his sensory experience. As Thomas Aquinas states, â€Å"whatever is known is known in the manner in which man can know it.† Mortimer Adler argues that for the most part, Aquinas and Aristotle agree on several points. First, they both agree that the form of the state of affairs of material composites, which can be made known, must be received by the knower with the form detached from the corporeal substance. Consequently, by possessing the power to acquire such forms in such a way grants the idea that the knower is â€Å"potentially a knower† and is actualized when the knower receives these forms. Among other similarities in the ideas that exist between Aquinas and Aristotle, both in general put centrality on the rationality of man and the role of experience or sensory perception in acquiring or knowing objects. Owing much of the philosophical content of Aquinas’ ideas from Aristotle, the former has a strong belief that reason and human experience can lead man to realizing and understanding the universe and, consequently, the existence of God. And at the time where philosophy is closely knitted to religious matters, Aquinas sought to further reinforce his arguments by injecting Aristotelian philosophy for rationality during the medieval times was one of the factors that seek to explain the universe from a point of view detached from any religious ascription. Thus, Aquinas appears to have ‘Christianized Aristotle’ in the sense that the former made much use of the latter’s philosophy in a context slanted towards religion. (Jenkins) On theoretical knowledge Aquinas conceived of theoretical knowledge as something which is the result of human rationality juxtaposed with sensory observation. That is, one can arrive at theoretical knowledge primarily through an observation of one’s world and arrive at a logical structure and correlation of these things through the functioning of reason. Though Aquinas may direct us to the premise that this rationality of man is imbued to all men by God, nevertheless this same rationality alongside with sensory perception addresses the question on how men are able to satisfy his inquiries on matters which are at first unknown to him. For example, one may acquire the theoretical knowledge on the how the tides of the oceans rise and fall through visual perception first and foremost which later on proceeds with the functioning of reason in attaching causal relations to the observed phenomenon. A similar view can also be held towards volcanic activity, rise and fall of economic activity, and many others. Bibliography Dawkins, Richard. The God Delusion. Houghton Mifflin, 2006. Gaarder, Jostein. Sophie’s World. Reissue ed: Berkley, 1996. Jenkins, John I. â€Å"Intellectus Principorum.†Ã‚   Knowledge and Faith in Thomas Aquinas. Cambridge University Press, 2004. 101-61. Oppy, Graham. â€Å"Some Historical Considerations.†Ã‚   Ontological Arguments and Belief in God. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. 4-46.       How to cite A rough background on Aquinas, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Pride - Meritocracy - and Social Dominance Orientation

Question: Describe about the Pride, Meritocracy, and Social Dominance Orientation? Answer: Meritocracy explains the communal array in which persons are graded in order to some peoples value or good point. In disparity to assembly stand democratic representations, meritocratic representations presume that facility can be competent, alienated from the communal circumstance, and accredited to the personality (Antonenko Young, 2013). When working within the surround structure, people can classify value in diverse ways. This is portrayed by the Courts move from a potential classification of worth as confirmed by Griggs and Albemarle, to a exposition classification is characterized. While, a forthcoming representation considers precedent accomplishment as pertinent but flawed deputies for upcoming presentation, a display representation accepts the emblems of accomplishment as the equal of value itself. Even though the risk twisted the incongruent impact policy beneath a forthcoming representation of meritocracy, it curtly begins to dispatch away at the principles and alter to a display representation. The court initially recognized a low prima facie lumber for a different contact claim (Hayes, 2012). In Griggs and Albemarle, the Court was skeptical of placing too much emphasis on past achievements such as standardized test scores or high school degrees. By merely showing the adverse effects of an employment practice, then, the plaintiff could shift the burden to the owner defendant to confirm that the observance was essential for connected to the prospect implementation of the trade. In those cases, the courtyard approve a demonstration observation of meritocracy and stopped challenging that the owner validate the confronted perform in stipulations of selling functions that resound into the prospect. As a replacement for, the courtyard began suspending to the explanation superior by the owner (Johnson, 2015). This transfer expresses the Courts hatred to disorderly precedent portion of service chances. More thoroughly assessment of this representation will show why this move parallels a refuse in the power of the unequal shock principle. As argued by Hayes (2012), the display representation defines value in conditions of precedent accomplishments. In the service circumstances, prior activities are the corresponding of value. The most talented candidate has a precise to a given pose. Thus, the human rights in the showing representation can vest ex ante, devoid of additional psychiatry connecting precedent accomplishments to prospect presentation. When summoning the exposition representation, then, judges arbitrate flanked by contradictory privileges with anxiety: The courtyard must consider both the vested right to the job benefit and the statutory rights (Kates and Tormey, 2012). As a result, courts taking a demonstration sight may be additional worried with issues of justice and more anxiousness with the judiciarys appropriate function when disorderly the category quo. A presentation replica frequently influences the authorized communication unreservedly. For example, one may disagree that assenting accomplishment is unjust because it denies the most competent claimant of her precise to a situation (Koh, 2013). Such as declaration frequently rests on the presentation assumption that allowed to an occupation vests on the base of precedent activities. In addition, when the legal or governmental subdivision deems interference in the service matters an indecent implement of legal or governmental influence, the secreted explanation may be that status quo distributions are aligned with rights. Exposing the underlying assumptions of presentation meritocracy may give confidence interview about the competence of such a theoretical outline labor, convincing its proponents to protect it or confess a dishonest biased partiality for the grade quo (Lampert, 2012). The individual who is finest apt for a spot or inadequate wealth is the person who would nearly all proficiently use that spot or wealth, thus causative to the in general efficiency of culture. From this viewpoint, work reimbursements should be dispersed based on forecasted about who will be the mainly efficient and competent worker. A person is not free to a service profit abridge because of her precedent activities. Precedent presentation is not the source of wasteland, but slightly a source of substantiation about who now justifies (Lee, 2012). When evaluating human rights that have vested under the exposition representation to more attenuated reflections of competence beneath the forthcoming representation, one can commence to comprehend how a transfer to an exposition representation could concern the enforcement. When, as underneath the demonstration sculpt, a courtyard is facades with a crate of depressioning to maintain the human right alongside other human rights, the wagers emerge higher than beneath the potential representation, where the courtyard must weigh deliberation of efficiency beside the deliberation of impartiality (Lewis, 2014). Underneath an exposition replica, the judges must defend the task of quad in upsetting the class quo. The potential replica visages the extra impediment of influentially how precedent activities relate to forthcoming accomplishment. If the precedent accomplishments are purely deficient proxies, then the representation must confess an amount of fault. In the nonappearance of additional means of guessing forthcoming presentation, however, workers must lengthen to rely upon qualifications (Marcus, 2015). Underneath the potential replica, estimators can be banned for the imprecisely calculating the capability, calculating the ability that is inadequately connected to the work presentation. Firstly, one individual may quarrel that the criterion themselves include the interior fault. Finally the forthcoming representation discounts the implication of precedent accomplishments that fall short to deem communal circumstance and thus insufficiently depict the capability of entire sections of humanity (Marx, 2012). Underneath the potential replica, workers might regulate their deliberation of qualifications to description for such deviation in occasion. In this seam, the potential replica distinguishes that equality extend beyond the meritocracy to some degree, equality in reserve portion, such as commonly sufficient community teaching, is a essential forerunner to a implementation meritocracy. Judges frequently appeal to principles of broadminded egalitarianism to entail the essential of a meritocracy scheme. Tolerant egalitarianism assumes a certain level of partition among the human being and the government (McClure and Harris, 2015). Many autonomous theorists validate this partition by straining the magnitude of the human being as an independent entity that heralds the State. The human being is the structuring the wedges of the polity. Thus the polity is appreciative to reverence character independence by preserving an area of choice from the state. The moderate autonomous replica can be summoned to recommend that the opposite role of human rights of law is to augment an operation the meritocracy. This squabble starts with the grounds that the government should attack the kingdom of solitude only to defend person independence. While the government act to defend the independence furthers tolerance attacking this kingdom when independence is not endangered the restriction s independence and tolerance. The suitable role of human rights law, then, is to boost independence and stop the ascription of groups individuality to independence action. When the bias creates human beings to be judged as fraction of the groups, rather than on their possess terms of lawful therapy is suitable. While one individual may differ with the dispute connecting meritocracy to tolerance, it gives a honorable clarification of how and why the politicians and adjudicators highlights the people centered meritocratic replica over a collection footed democratic replica when approaching the human rights. If one individual starts with the supposition that person independence is more significant to social equality. Replicas that hub on collection of sharing will be politically disliked and lawful indefensible. Current sociological investigation of the degree to which current culture has develop into more meritocratic raises significant abstract issues for the recurring financial the past discuss relating to the communal mobility of Britains selling leaders. The mass sight in this discuss is that high communal rank backgrounds have prevails in the summary of businessmen all through the nineteenth and twentieth centurys. An entrepreneur discloses that Britains industrial found were haggard mainly from the center and higher course and the picture of the personality made man as the foundation of the Industrial Revolution is a legend. According to Stanworth and Giddens recognize an occurrence of best self staffing between the dead business active management in huge conglomerate and banks (McNamee and Miller, 2013). Scotts work on the higher lessons distinguishes a hub trade stratum distinguishes by association and dispensation. Revisionist monetary historians have collected new information in order to confront this predictable perception. Rubinstein condemns preceding studies examining the sonata of elites, in conflict that the commonly used pointer of communal mobility schooling is a feeble alternate for babyhood communal spot. During the year 1979 to 1989 between the chairmen of the businessmen and profitable industries in Britain, moribund magnitudes of public school and Oxbridge alumni are recognized (Patron, 2012). The British industries world is now considerably more meritocratic than it was a cohort previously. A dysfunctional artistic trait supposes to harm the Britains extensive run financial presentation and being detached. The procedures of current sociological examination give up some data about conceptual basics with which to change this explore. The investigation into total and comparative rates of communal mobility has supplied a fuller sympathetic of the dynamics of mobility. The editorials use these insights to expand a robust structure for investigating the communal mobility of British industry leaders. Schooling and prosperity distinctiveness are examined for 1325 industrialist activeness from the nineteenth century to the overdue twentieth (Sin, 2012). This group is alienated into four acquaintances and the ratios of diverse individuality approaching in each legion qualified to the inhabitants which are estimated. The middle conclusions are that the alternative, revisionist sight of an association towards meritocracy is excessively hopeful. Becoming a businessman in Britain is still mainly strong-minded by the unified individuality of a prosperous people and a standing learning. Qualified mobility ratios show that the industry influential has become progressively more homogenous, opposing to what might be predictable f rom a time period and a half of community, fiscal and structural transform. Meritocracy is both a perception and determine in the framework of public mobility scrutiny. In British, the sociology much contest has listening carefully on the conception of a meritocratic is great, where profession and capability are completely coordinated. The sociological move toward to calculating the meritocracy supplies a preliminary spot to compute the communal mobility of industrialist over the last century. In accordance with its schema for comparing mobility between generations, the specific features of the time era chosen and structural alters during that era required to be calculated. It is essential to assume that the tempo of complete mobility has augmented from the center of the nineteenth century. Course group structural modify in the path of business expansion be inclined to augment the business to the upward communal association. The speed of comparatively mobility which believes the relative probability of upwards and downwards movement of the business belongings be apt to be more communal alteration of the society. The main communal background issues used to compute the communal mobility between the associates are the chief outline individuality researched in the financial account and sociological text, mainly education and wealth of father (Stahl, 2012). Sociological analysis has mainly paying attention on the associations among the schooling and the position of the human beings within the set of arrangement. The crate for counting legacy events to learn the mobility was the major priority. The affluence divisions can also reflect the class dissections; data on the wealth of the father is a vital accumulation to schooling individuality in the research of communal mobility. By approaching the communal mobility to huge information set up of industrialist vigorous in Britain from the hub of the nineteenth century. The editorial has made numerous benefits over preceding investigation. It is computed that the rate of relation of communal modification is by leveling the profile distinctiveness at the situations in instance and over the stages of moment thus satisfying a breach in the journalism among financial narration and sociological structures of clarification. When the sociological notions of advantages qualify in the editorial is not completely the purpose, although it offers a helpful ordinary beside which to compute the modification of the communal (Zaloznaya, 2012). The middle conclusions of this investigation strengthen the preponderance crate that British industry is conquered by the influential clusters of the inhabitants. The conclusion also expands the chronology of this description up to the most recent of the twentieth century. Opposing to pr eceding declaration it has been exposed that the unified communal financial distinctiveness to the wealth of the family and a lofty grade of schooling is hurried lopsided admittance to the foremost industry opportunities. References Lists: Antonenko Young, O. (2013). Pride, Meritocracy, and Social Dominance Orientation. Berkeley, CA. Hayes, C. (2012). Twilight of the elites. New York: Crown Publishers. Johnson, H. (2015). The American dream and the power of wealth. New York: Routledge. Kates, R. and Tormey, W. (2012). Baseball and social class. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland Company, Inc., Publishers. Koh, G. (2013). Singapore Perspectives 2013. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company. Lampert, K. (2012). Meritocratic education and social worthlessness. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Lee, A. (2012). What the U.S. can learn from China. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Lewis, J. (2014). Meritocracy quartet. [S.l.]: Haus Publishing Ltd. Marcus, B. (2015). The Politics of Promotion. Hoboken: Wiley. Marx, J. (2012). Geopolitics and the Anglophone novel, 1890-2011. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. McClure, S. and Harris, C. (2015). Getting real about race. Los Angeles: SAGE. McNamee, S. and Miller, R. (2013). The meritocracy myth. Lanham: Rowman Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Patron, M. (2012). The legacy of the baby boomers or the French social system?. Rotterdam: SensePublishers. Sin, T. (2012). Confucianism and democratization in East Asia. New York: Cambridge University Press. Stahl, M. (2012). Unfree masters. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Zaloznaya, M. (2012). Bureaucratic Corruption in Transitional Economies.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Pro Torture/Terrorisim free essay sample

This is a very shadowy corner of the human psyche, there is no black and white when it comes to situations like this, only endless shades of grey that bleed into each other endlessly. Many people’s idea of torture is inflicting devastating bodily harm on a person’s body, and that is what the dictionary says it is, but in these modern times, the main element of political torture is the presence of fear, no bodily harm is necessary in some cases. The most commonly used method of torture is water boarding, which simulates drowning, and has been a key element in preventing insurgent operations. Many people argue that torture yields faulty or incomplete intelligence, but there are documented situations where torture has aided in saving lives. This is only my opinion, torture is made illegal to POWs, medical personnel, and any others captured by a hostile country by the Geneva Convention, but as we have seen by Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker, our enemies dont care. We will write a custom essay sample on Pro Torture/Terrorisim or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How far would you go to save a life? There are plenty of forms of torture that leave no physical scars, there is psychological torture which is threatening to kill ones family, or falsely claiming that one’s terror cell leader is dead. There is sensory deprivation, which was used in Guantanamo, which is when you bind, blindfold, and earmuff prisoners for extended periods of time. Starvation and thirst, which is when a prisoner is given just enough food and water, unpleasant food and water if I might add, to survive, and just enough to survive, no more. Sleep deprivation uses bright lights and loud sounds to prevent someone from sleeping; just one night without sleep will drain ten points from someone’s IQ. Forced standing is where a prisoner is forced to stand, in place, for up to ten hours, which causes ankle swelling and joint pain. Sweat boxes are just rooms with poor ventilation that act like ovens, and when the prisoner cooperates, the prisoner is released. These are all methods of torture that will not leave physical scars, they are not pleasant by any means, but they will not leave scars, which is the number one criterion for American torture. (About. com) Water boarding is one of the oldest and most common forms of torture, a prisoner is strapped to a board, face up, cloth wrapped around his face and water is poured onto the prisoner’s face, this causes the prisoner to cough and gag until the cloth is removed, this is considered a very mild form of torture and a lot of American delegates don’t even consider it torture at all. Ex- Chief of the CIA, Jose Rodriguez spoke out about the use of water boarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques. He insisted that the use of these techniques on Khalid Sheik Mohammed thwarted several Al-Quaeda plans on American soil. Mr. Rodriguez believes the cumulative effect of the enhanced techniques was instrumental in ensuring the terrorist gave up information. Further, he told Ms Stahl the intelligence gained from this and other high-level interrogations had helped to thwart at least 10 other planned terrorist attacks. † (Dailymail. com) The Geneva Convention was made to prot ect captured soldiers, civilians, medical personnel, or any others caught in hostile territories. Most of our enemies today don’t seem to care about the Geneva Convention; they are executed on live television for the world to see. Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker were members of the 101st airborne, and were captured in Iraq. Shortly after, Al-Quaeda released a video with the two dead American soldiers, with a superimposed voice calling all Muslims to Jihad. The American’s bodied were then found near where they were abducted, beheaded, mutilated, and bombs strapped to them. (Outsidethebeltway. com) None of these barbaric actions are supported by the Geneva Convention, and people still think what we do to the enemy is more unethical, since when is death more ethical than modern day physical torture? At least, as Americans, we support, and abide by the Geneva Convention. This topic, I feel, will never be resolved completely, people feel too strongly on both sides, but I do feel that in some situations, torture should be able to be applied to prisoners. As long as we follow our guidelines for enhanced interrogation, I feel there shouldn’t be as big of an ethical debate, as long as there is no physical harm done to the prisoner; we should be able to use these methods to obtain pertinent information. As Ex- CIA chief Jose Rodriguez stated, water boarding used on Khalid Sheik Mohammed was successful in thwarting at least ten Al-Quaeda attacks planned on American soil. We as Americans follow the Geneva Convention, and all the branches off it, our enemies don’t recognize anything but their Jihad, as seen by American soldiers Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker, and the sad part is, there are many more cases of American soldiers being publicly executed on live television. Execution is not more ethical that political torture as defined by America. If a bomb were about to go off, I would do whatever it took to save those people’s lives, I feel very strongly about this as an American. Works Cited 1. Head, Tom. American Torture Techniques. Ed. Mike Zane. N. p. , 11 Mar. 2012. Web. 11 July 2012. lt;http://civilliberty. about. com/od/waronterror/p/torturelite. htmgt;. 2. Seales, Rebecca. What We Did Saved American Lives. Ed. Rebecca Seales. N. p. , 27 Apr. 2012. Web. 11 July 2012. lt;http://www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-2135981/What-did-saved-American-lives-Ex-CIA-chief-defends-waterboarding-al-Qaeda-leader. htmlgt;. 3. Joyner, James. U. S. Soldiers Beheaded By Al-Quaeda. Ed. James Joyner. N. p. , 10 July 2006. Web. 11 July 2012. lt;http://www. outsidethebeltway. com/beheading_desecration_video_of_dead_us_soldiers_released_on_internet_by_al_qaeda_videoimages/gt;.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Into The Wild by LaMarche

Into The Wild by LaMarche Introduction It has been noted that â€Å"everything that happens to us-graduations, marriage, childbirth, divorce, getting or losing job affects us† (Adulthood 1). It is not right for one to live lonely, but sometimes circumstances may cause one to love this kind of a life. The strange action must have some driving forces behind it that may lead a young person to choose a lone life.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Into The Wild by LaMarche specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More How can one choose to live alone or decide to live with animals in the wild? This essay will discuss the book, In the Wild with emphasis on a young man, McCandless and how he went to Alaskan Odyssey as a result of crises during transition from childhood to adulthood; so as to separate himself from his family. McCandless’s life is bothered by his parent’s materialistic nature choices and this made him to move out of the home and becomes an itinerant. He lived in the wild where he hunted wildlife such as porcupines and birds for food. He roasted them but sometimes the meat spoiled because of poor methods of meat preservation. In this wild life, he sometimes failed to capture the animals for his meal and was provided by strangers. Unfortunately, he finally died in a bus because of starvation despite the efforts he made to get some assistance. The Quest for Lonely Life Christopher McCandless was a man who never liked people to be close to himself. He valued independence. He went to the extreme of being self reliant. He thought that people could not always depend on others but should have time to be alone so that they could discover their own will and thoughts. Christopher McCandless left his home to live on his own; something that not many people could appreciate. It has been felt that the quest for self awareness is something that the modern society is doing away with: Some of the values that many people in modern society seem to have forgotten are; the quest for personal knowledge, the pursuit of individual happiness while not taking it from others, and above all, the ability to be comfortable in solitude and independence. (LaMarche 1) McCandless believed in himself and did not want to imitate those around him or conform to their ways of life. He had a strong urge to do things his own way and the wild was the site to pursue his goals and vision. In addition to changing his environment, McCandless changed his name to Alexander Superstramp. This was significant as it symbolized a new person, leaving his former ways of living and stepping into a new way of life characterized by new work and even new meals. His actions were criticized by many people because he never wanted any associations that would bind him close to other people. LaMarche did this to experiment and at the same time seek his independence. As a young man he did not enjoy the company of his family and kept to himself as he sought what he had considered as important to him: â€Å"†¦it was important for him to see how independent he could be† (LaMarche1)Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To the greatest extent, it was his family especially his parents that made him to seek a new way of life which he embraced and considered worthwhile. The parent’s failure to teach and advise him on values of life made a major contribution to his adopting of a new way of life. His fathers’ relationship with his mother was the greatest question factor that pushed him to adapt to his new way of life. He was disappointed with his father’s action due to his way of thinking that people are supposed to be perfect and that their actions were always supposed to be right. McCandless’ greatest problem was the inability to forgive and communicate accordingly with his parents. He did not have color grey in his world: â€Å"Christopher McCandless saw the world in black and white, good and bad, right and wrong, rather like a child does† (LaMarche 1). McCandless believed that solitary life was rewarding to him. This was a similar case with Sarton who argued that, Alone one is never lonely: the spirit adventures, walking / in a quiet garden, in a cool house, abiding single there (Sarton 1). To this young man, what mattered most were his happiness and not other people’s opinions (LaMarche 1) A person’s life at any given time involves both external and internal aspects. The external system is composed of our membership in the culture: our job, â€Å"social class and family and social roles† (Predictable 1); the argument is how a person is able to live to the fullest when he is able to balance all these aspects in his life. Many people often ignore their inner being which is the most crucial. McCandless was not able to share his inne r feelings: Chris was strongly opposed to any kind of unnecessary material procession. He wrote a letter to his sister before he took off to Alaska, complaining about his parents. I can’t believe they’d try and buy me a car. (LaMarche 1) The young man reasons that there was no need to have luxuries and that one should concentrate only on what they needed. He had a negative attitude towards the wealth of his parents: â€Å"Chris is embarrassed by his family’s modest wealth, believing that wealth was shameful, corrupting, and inherently evil† (LaMarche 1). The young man thought that wealth was an unreasonable way of valuing people and that it did not reveal the real person. McCandless wanted a simple life in the wild where he was ready to face many challenges. His main aim was to be himself. In a person’s development there are various changes that occur:Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Into The Wild by LaMarche specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One is the interior sense of relation to others. A second is the proportion of safeness to danger we feel in our lives. A third is our perception of time-do we have plenty of it, or are we beginning to feel that time is running out? Last, there will be some shift at the gut leveling our sense of aliveness or stagnation. These are the hazy sensations that compose the background tone of living and shape the decisions on which to take action (Adulthood 1). This is true because it was after McCandless thought deeply about his life that he took off from his home to the wilderness. He compared the wealth of his parent with those of other people in his area and did not appreciate it. He was not able to express himself and reveal his thoughts even to those close to him. He went to the extent of writing to his sister a letter; it was his sister that he was free to his thoughts with. The wealth of the parents displeased him and in addition he had issues with his father having another wife before meeting his mother. In school Chris shared with few students but he gradually reduced interactions to be completely independent in class work and athletics. To him he needed freedom from people and luxurious wealth. Krakauer connects Chris with Gene Rosellini, a well-educated man from an affluent family who was interested to know if it was possible to be independent of modern technology. (LarMache2010). It is clear that MaCcandless did not feel safe at his home. Since he believed in perfection he felt that his parents had betrayed his values and was not ready to forgive them. He believed that the wealth of his parents was not justly acquired and there was no way he could be ready to accept it: â€Å"McCandless distrusted the value of things that came easily† (LaMarche 2010). He therefore wanted to acquire everything justly. Unfortunately it reached a time when this man could not handle it any longer. He was rea dy to take even a risky route so as to escape from the sight of his parents. Aware that the decision he was about to make would put his life in danger; he did not stop it but went ahead to the wilderness.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More His parents attempted to buy him a new vehicle but he looked down upon it, since he felt that it was unnecessary for him to have a second car whereas he had another functional datsun car. This is ironical that the people that he should have loved most are the ones he put at a bay and did all he could to separate himself from his family. This coincides with the argument by Sarton: â€Å"Loneliness is most acutely felt with other people, for with others, even with a lover sometimes, we suffer from our differences of taste, temperament, and mood† (Sarton 1). It is also clear that McCandless realized that he could not change anything and time was running out. He felt a stagnation that was brought by being at home. A new environment was therefore a better place for change that would give him satisfaction in his life. The feeling of stagnation was erased from his mind once he set off for the wilderness. No man is an island and no one can be able to live alone and successful. The co mpany of people mostly spices a person’s life. The young man finally perishes in the wilderness as there is no one to rescue him. His remains were found about a week later after his death weighing about 30 kilograms. The young man only punished himself: â€Å"the fierce idealism and searing self-reliance are seen as unattainable qualities that are mysterious and wonderful, but frightening and dangerous all the same† (LaMarche 1). Though McCandless achieved his self reliability, it was unsustainable. Conclusion The inner person should never be ignored and personal world should be in order. The beliefs in McCandless’s heart were the driving forces to his actions. McCandless’s life was ruined by his parents since they did not play part to concentrate on his personality development as he grew up. They gauged his happiness by how much materials they bought for him, good education and spirituality, ignoring his inner motivation. Adulthood. Predictable Crises o f adulthood. Gail Sheehy, n.d. Web. LaMarche. Into The Wild. Christophermccandless, 2010. Web. Sarton, May. The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life. Gregory, n.d. Web.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Modern Art and Postmodern Art Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Modern Art and Postmodern Art - Thesis Example The paper "Modern Art and Postmodern Art" presents different styles of the modern and postmodern era. The following paper will outline post modernism and modernism in art through an argument that claims post modernism art captures styles from past periods and mixes them in a way which ignores their original use and redefines their use. In relation to visual arts, a work of art refers to physical two dimensional or three dimensional objects that are professionally established to fulfill a primarily aesthetic function. An artist’s â€Å"body of work† may also be considered as a work of art. The term is very popular in art galleries, museums, cultural heritage curators by the interested community. Objects that document conceptual art works but are not necessarily accepted by artistic conventions may also be classified as art objects. Visual arts can be referred to as art practices that make works that are naturally graphic. This may include ceramics, drawings, painting, sc ulptures, printmaking, design, crafts, as well as modern visual arts, such as photography, film making and architecture. Included within visual arts are the applied arts, such as interior design, graphic design, fashion design and industrial design, as well as decorative art. There exists a growing tendency of some regions of the world to increase the privilege of painting and sculpture. In the Western and East Asian culture, painting has been seen as portraying, to a very high degree, the imagination of an artist. According to the Chinese, scholar painting was the most highly valued style of portraying art. What makes an art work influential? The following paper will provide an analysis of various works of art and how they have developed over time to serve their purpose. Every generation is outlined by imagery. Possibly, the nineties was the grime association for the present generation. For the eighties, the iconic figure of Madonna led the generation from its grim point. For every century, there is an incidence that describes a generation and for each occasion, there is a picture that catches the moment. Such artworks noticed by the generations that have experienced hardships make artworks inspiring and influential. No individual ought to be immune from disapproval. As a result, works of art are not even the countless masters of art world, they are human beings. Artists have to treat their artworks as they look at acclaimed workings of prodigy made by artistes far skilled than we are. Connections between the various

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Summative Coursework Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Summative Coursework Assignment - Essay Example Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is dealing with various accounting principles and guidelines for undertaking the implementation of accounting practices. But on the other hand, financial accounting is also important for evaluating the profitability of the business entity. Accounting is a system used by the business entity to measure its financial performance. There are several branches of accounting are available, but among them both management and financial accounting is relevant. The main emphasis in management accounting is to establish the relationship between cause and effect of a particular activity. More over, it is multi disciplinary in nature, because it is a combination of several disciplines like financial accounting, cost accounting, statistics, etc. In this case, the net profit of the company is goes on increasing, but at the same time, the cash in hand is decreasing to certain extend. Cash is a critical asset, which plays an important role in business. Cash flow statement is a statement showing the change in cash position from one period to another. Because it is possible to identify the causes of changes in cash balance between the two balance sheet dates. While preparing cash flow statement mainly it is essential to consider both actual cash flows and notional cash flows. Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 2002 Particulars Amount (in m) Cash used in operation. Issue of shares. Cash generated Add: Opening cash balance Cash balance at the end (1) 6 5 4 9 Calculation of Cash from operation Particulars Amount (in m) Net profit Add: provision for taxation. Funds from operation. Add: decrease in debtors. Less: decrease in creditors. Cash used in operation. 4 6 10 8 18 (19) (1) Adjusted Profit and Loss Account Particulars Amount (in m) Particulars Amount (in m) Provision for taxation. Depreciation of FA (balancing figure) Closing balance 6 14 (6) Opening balance Funds from operation. 4 10 14 14 Workings:- Here, there is no disposal of assets takes place in the year 2001 and 2002, therefore the difference between the value of assets in both years are considered as the amount of depreciation, such as- [166_152] = 14m. Propose Dividend Account Particulars Amount (in m) Particulars Amount (in m) Cash (dividend paid) Closing balance 7 9 Opening balance. Balance transferred to Profit and loss account. 7 9 16 16 While preparing the cash flow statement of a business organization, it is possible to understand about the causes of changes in the cash flow position of a business unit. Through which, it is possible to identify that the reduction of cash balance inspite of increase in income or for increase of cash balance in spite of decrease in income. This statement consists of opening cash balance and all sources of cash and all applications of cash and ends with the closing balance of cash. More over, here the changes in current assets and current liabilities are adjusted in the amount of cash from operation. It is necessary for a firm to keep adequate amount of cash in hand for making immediate payments. The major responsibility of the financial manager is to plan cash and maintain adequate cash balance. A cash flow statement is considered as a summarized cash account. In addition to this,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Wireless Network Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Wireless Network Security - Research Paper Example These days wireless networking has become an attractive trend and the professionals in all over the world are adopting wireless network security with advance trends and new features in order to protect their networks from various security threats. In other words, it can be said that these  networks  have the capability to launch interconnection among various devices. In this scenario, the main advantage that we gain from wireless networks as compared to other networks is that this technology releases us from the use of wires. In view of the fact that the communication among several nodes is established through radio waves thus there is no need of wires for establishing a network. Additionally, the wireless adapter which is located inside the machine transforms data into the radio frequency transmission and later on broadcasts it. In addition, wireless  technology is normally acknowledged as Wi-Fi technology or simply WLAN technology. In this scenario, the wireless security is t he main feature that we discuss throughout wireless networks   (Makker; Moran; Turban, Leidner and McLean). Another  advantage  of these  networks  is that users of this network are not bound to limited location despite of its usage where they have facility of signals. Hence it decreases the  expenditure required for cabling or wires that is required in wired  networks. In addition, wireless technology helps us to release from the copper wires. Here one important thing to remember is the wireless security for Wi-Fi applications.... Hence it decreases the  expenditure required for cabling or wires that is required in wired  networks. In addition, wireless technology helps us to release from the copper wires. Here one important thing to remember is the wireless security for Wi-Fi applications. In this growing era where technological aspects are growing with users of economy related needs, we have to fulfill all the essential requirements for establishing an effective wireless network. Thus, the wireless network security is a major issue that is to be considered while establishing wireless networks (Weber and Bahadur; Makker). Why wireless security is Important? †¢ It is important due to the fact it is now accessible everywhere, and hardware required for it has a low cost that will facilitate a common user to purchase it from market (Asadoorian). †¢ The aspect of Wi-Fi is used in almost every advanced application round the globe. Hence flexibility increases. We can observe that this innovative techno logy is now available easily in everything. We have example of those things that we use in our daily life like mobile phones to our daily life usage appliances (Asadoorian). †¢ Although it is a true fact that the fame of Wi-Fi technological hotspots are enhancing. In most of applications wireless security is not implemented properly (Asadoorian). †¢ As we know that Wi-Fi technology could pass through long distances thus security needs are essential for making our communication secure (Asadoorian). †¢ An important perspective of Bluetooth is that this technology is spreading and almost used in every spot round the world but this one is vulnerable to attack (Asadoorian). Additionally

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Historical Portrayal in Forrest Gump

The Historical Portrayal in Forrest Gump Forrest Gump is a famous 1994 American comedy-drama film based on the novel written by Winston Groom; directed by Robert Zemeckis. The story depicts the life of a simple Alabama man Forest Gump who travels around the world, meets historical figures and influences and participates in important historical events of the second half of the 20th century. The film Forrest Gump is about a simple mans journey through complicated times. Exciting, deep and kind film narrates from the behalf of the protagonist Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks), a harmless imbecile man (his level of IQ is 75) with a noble and an open heart, the story of his extraordinary life. The plot begins with the childhood of the hero and ends up as he sends his own son to school. During the life, Forrest overcomes many difficulties, and always sees only positive side of events. During the film he takes part in major events of American history of the second half of 20th century, and unconsciously influences on popular culture of the United States. From an ordinary man he turns into a well-known tennis player, war hero, a successful businessman. He becomes a billionaire, but remains as unsophisticated, weak-minded and kind. Forrest reaches success in everything, and he loves the girl, who was his friend in childhood, but reciprocity comes too late. The main character, a native of the southern state (and as it is understood a patriarchal and conservative) of Alabama, actually travels across America in the 50s and 80s, turning out one way or another, becomes a witness of historic events in the life of the nation, almost climbing into the frames of newsreels that depict well-known political figures from the era of John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan and popular singers from Elvis Presley to John Lennon. The film Forrest Gump is not historical film, its more drama and melodrama, but it shows the close connection of Forrest with real historical characters and his participation in historical events. The film shows all the significant events of the period between the 1950s and the 1980s and introduces them to the main character. The film does not distort the real events, but contributes to the public understanding of the issues it presents. This feature film helps viewers learn more about the historical events of the second half of the 20th century, so it is difficult to overestimate its value. Forrest Gump is a look at the past approximately thirty years of U.S. history. The fact that the problems of America 1960 1980, including, for example, drug abuse and the war in Vietnam, are shown through the eyes of simple-minded Forrest, exculpates American society for this it is said by the magazine columnist of Time, Richard Corliss, Julie Grace and Marta Smildzhis in their joint review of the film (Corliss 1994). Nevertheless, Forrest stands out as a character in a highly sentimental Hollywood cinema, where the most important historical and social problems are often presented as elements of fairy tales with a happy end (Corliss 1994). According to Peter Travers from Rolling Stone, in the image of Forrest there are gathered the best national character features of Americans honesty, courage and fidelity (Travers 2000). The Russian critic Andrei Shemyakin considers film to be a parable about the American national character on the fracture of his fate (Gordinier 1995), and Rita Kempley from Washington Post believes that in Forrest Gump there is shown a destruction of the national character (Kempley 1994). It is easy to notice that Forrests life is very conservative, while his girlfriend Jenny embodies the counterculture she is involved in anti-war marches, uses drugs, and is sexually promiscuous. Jenny is a shadow of Forrest (Guthmann 1995). According to Roger Ebert, her reunion with Forrest Gump at the end of the film represents the dream of American society uniting (Ebert 1994). At the same time Gumps coproducer Steven Tisch mentioned: I dont think the film was a catalyst for a trend of any kind. I dont think this film is about conservative or liberal values, or even American values. The film is about human values (Gordinier 1995). Forrest Gump is a wonderful person, honest and brave, but with one peculiarity he is moronic. And the combination of an outstanding personality with a limited imagination allows him to enjoy life, not to justify himself. This opened an enormous sense for many of his followers. Being completely devoid of egoism, Forrest receives of a lot of luck in return from the life. His girlfriend Jenny, by contrast, lives in constant issueless search. The main stereotype that was changed in the film is that it is possible to live the whole life full of difficulties, reach success and remain open and kind. Forrest Gump simply goes his own way. He saves his fellow soldiers, and becomes a hero of Vietnam; he is the best player and national champion in a game of table tennis in Japan. He changes the lives of several people and creates a multi-million dollar business; he keeps his word given to the deceased friend. He even teaches Elvis Presley to dance. And thus, he remains a simple and open person. His phrase: My momma always said, Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what youre gonna get became very famous (Forest Gump 1994). The film addresses different social issues of American life. It mostly represents the middle class and life of ordinary people; it depicts the race problems, showing how black people fought for their rights. It also touches gender issues, showing that Jenny lived in the hostel for girls and Forest couldnt visit her. Politics is also one of the topics that were briefly covered in the film while showing real episodes of lives of such people as John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson and Richard Milhous Nixon. There are shown such popular singers as Elvis Presley and John Lennon. The issues of nationality, cultural norms, people on the margins of society and other are also mentioned in the film. Forrest Gump is considered to be one of the kindest and touching films of world cinema, even though it is drama. The director Robert Zemeckis demonstrated in this film the entirely new approach to presenting the material, driving the narrative on behalf of a mentally retarded man, and showing life through his eyes. Surprisingly, but life through the eyes of Forrest Gump is not terrible and hopeless, as we used to think it is. The life of Forrest Gump suddenly becomes very simple, understandable, but at the same time, deep in meaning and rich with interesting events. It is the simplicity of Forrest Gumps vital principles and his immediate perception of complex life events that causes the effect of stunning ease the perception of this film. The film is not historical, but it shows the connection of the protagonist with real historical characters and his participation in historical events. The film contributes to the public understanding of the issues it presents, and makes a great impa ct on its intended audience. Film realistically, without distorting shows the problems of America 1960 1980, and therefore it is very valuable and is still considered one of the best films of American cinema.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Game Over :: essays research papers

Game Over As I stood at the three point line, the ball seemed to be in slow motion. Screams from the crowd came as the ball dropped through the net. Not only did this shot go in but it dropped through the net with such force that it made a sound that was heard throughout the gym. The gym was packed and the fans were on their feet, I had just hit my first three pointer of my varsity basketball career. As our team set up the press, sweat dripped from my face. I was close enough to kiss my opponent, there was no way he was going to get the ball. He shoved me backward and he planted his foot on mine, he then pushed off and ran for the inbounder. I fell back a few feet and sprinted towards my man. As the inbounder released the ball with a firm push I stuck my hand out in hopes for a steal, SNAP! As the ball was deflected towards the right my man ran and picked it up. I quickly looked down at my finger and with fear and pain walked over to my bench. My pinkie-finger on my right hand was at a ninety degree angle, as sweat dripped down may face I could feel myself getting hot. My stomach seemed to drop and I was feeling as if I was on a roller coaster. The game had been stopped and I was brought into the coaches room. My assistant coach led me into the room and sat me down on a wooden chair. I began to feel very cold, and my finger began to have a shooting pain. This pain was not present before and was no making itself known that there was something wrong with. My parents entered the room, my mother carrying a face that I never had seen before. My father with a calm collective look to him. The assistant then began to explain that there was to deal with this, either go to the hospital and miss the game or deal with it write in the room. My mother stared over at my coach when he relayed this message to me and my father seem to agree with my coach. I looked at my coach with eyes of trust and horror, and then laid my hand in his. He then took his hand and placed it over my pinkie. Which by now was swelling and extremely painful, he then got a firm grip and with one quick tug my finger Game Over :: essays research papers Game Over As I stood at the three point line, the ball seemed to be in slow motion. Screams from the crowd came as the ball dropped through the net. Not only did this shot go in but it dropped through the net with such force that it made a sound that was heard throughout the gym. The gym was packed and the fans were on their feet, I had just hit my first three pointer of my varsity basketball career. As our team set up the press, sweat dripped from my face. I was close enough to kiss my opponent, there was no way he was going to get the ball. He shoved me backward and he planted his foot on mine, he then pushed off and ran for the inbounder. I fell back a few feet and sprinted towards my man. As the inbounder released the ball with a firm push I stuck my hand out in hopes for a steal, SNAP! As the ball was deflected towards the right my man ran and picked it up. I quickly looked down at my finger and with fear and pain walked over to my bench. My pinkie-finger on my right hand was at a ninety degree angle, as sweat dripped down may face I could feel myself getting hot. My stomach seemed to drop and I was feeling as if I was on a roller coaster. The game had been stopped and I was brought into the coaches room. My assistant coach led me into the room and sat me down on a wooden chair. I began to feel very cold, and my finger began to have a shooting pain. This pain was not present before and was no making itself known that there was something wrong with. My parents entered the room, my mother carrying a face that I never had seen before. My father with a calm collective look to him. The assistant then began to explain that there was to deal with this, either go to the hospital and miss the game or deal with it write in the room. My mother stared over at my coach when he relayed this message to me and my father seem to agree with my coach. I looked at my coach with eyes of trust and horror, and then laid my hand in his. He then took his hand and placed it over my pinkie. Which by now was swelling and extremely painful, he then got a firm grip and with one quick tug my finger

Monday, November 11, 2019

China a Threat to Indian Industry? Essay

1) Are Japanese products a threat to US industries? Â  Are Eastern EU products a threat to Western EU industries? 2) Is the Chinese Auto industries a threat to India? Dont know. Is the Chinese Food Product better than India? Dont think so. Is the Chinese Manga Books better than India? Dont think so. Is the Chinese textile industries a threat to India? Yes. Is the Indian software industries a threat to China? Yes. 3) As a wide range of cheap Chinese products flooded the Indian market, some local industries were adversely affected, while others benefitted by using these products as raw materials. 4) One-hour technology’ products from China started entering Indian households some years ago. Even though the majority of these products did not succeed in the Indian market due to their ‘inferior’ quality, the Chinese ‘invasion’ of our market is still continuing. The dumping of Chinese-made fans, locks, watches, bicycles, radios, batteries etc is slowly repl acing our own products and has become a threat to Indian industry. 5) China herself is one of the victims of the counterfeit products they produce; in the year 2001, fake and low-quality medicines produced in China killed about 192,000 people. 6) Many Indian companies have already shifted their production bases from small Indian towns and villages to China. This has resulted in unemployment for lakhs of workers, pushing them to the brink of starvation. China’s steady entry into our textile, food, information-technology, pharmaceutical, automobile and other sectors may result in the collapse of many Indian industries — in both organised and unorganised sectors. 7) The low rate comes due to the fact that the Chinese Government lends a subsidy ranging from 30 per cent to 100 per cent. The Chinese made goods, of better quality and low rate, have flooded the Indian market in hordes encompassing all types of products – chocolates, toys, garments, computer hardware, and so on, and are finding ready and eager takers among the Indian con sumers and this is the factor which has caused a great sense of uneasiness among the Indian industry community. 8) Cheap bulk drug imports from China may soon post a threat to the Rs 20,000 crore domestic bulk drug industry.Ind-Swift Laboratories, a pharmaceutical major based in Chandigarh, halted the production of roxycomycin and arithromycin last month. It is not Ind-Swift alone. Companies like Alembic, Kopran and Torrent are all bearing the brunt of Chinese imports. The consequences are severe on firms producing bulk drugs like azithromicin, clarithromycin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, roxycomycin, cephalosporins and anti-quinolones. As a result, the pharma industry is losing business worth Rs 2,500 crore a year. 9) The price of a battery-operated Chinese car has fallen from Rs 300 two years ago to Rs 60. The fall in prices has caught the fancy of low-income families. There is no threat to our companies from cheap products imported from China 1) whatever products imported from China unfortunately are mostly below any standards or quality criteria. So the consumer is not very keen to purchase Chinese products in India except for the toys. But if you talk about the fluorescent lamps or electronic products nobody is buying them. 2) In the year 2000, Indian motorcycle makers were a worried lot. A number of them had announced plans to launch dirt-cheap Chinese bikes, fearing that such dumped motorcycles would swamp the Indian market. Today, the fear of Chinese motorcycles no longer stalks manufacturers. 3) Only one company, Monto Motors, launched Chinese motorcycles in the country. In a market, which sells over 2.5 million units a year, the firm claims to have sold around 15,000 bikes so far. 4) Dhoot and other Indian producers did face an initial challenge from Chinese brands like Konka and TCL, but these names failed to make headway. China has always been compared to India in terms of population and technological advancements. China undoubtedly has a humongous software market, but is definitely not a threat. * India has its own unique power and intelligence. * Indian IT companies have captured Asia and Japan as well. * India is becoming one of the world’s largest internet and mobile user’s country. * India’s mobile market is growing by leaps and bounds. * Most countries prefer employees from India rather than China because of communication barrier. English is spoken by almost all IT industries in India. * India has a large consumer and industrial market, all thirsting for products, with great brands and distribution networks.ForThere is no doubt that India may take many years to have a market like China. * China has a huge population. Moreover people there are advancing each passing day. * China launches new mobiles, technologies, automobiles almost everyday. * China’s automobile industry is much bigger than India’s. it can therefore serve quality products at lower cost. * China has a string support from the government. Indian IT industries have negligible support. * China launches many products like gadgets etc everyday. Because of this they can sell them at a cheaper rate.China’s market cannot be a thread untie India considers and works on each opportunity that comes its way. It should efficiently make use all possible resources and infrastructure to welcome foreign investment and manpower hiring. Write your comment – Share Knowledge and Experience Discussion Board| Group Discussion- China market – a threat to Indian market China market is a threat to Indian market as they provide very cheap products with good quality as compared to Indian products. The kind of technologies China uses is much better than the technologies which India uses. Every year huge amount of Chinese items are being imported to India and lot of people are using these items. The industries in china are much bigger and growing everyday. The inventions which is being done in china is much more advanced and then selling of those technology at cheaper rates is what affecting Indian markets.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Godfrey of Bouillon, First Crusader

Godfrey of Bouillon, First Crusader Godfrey of Bouillon was also known as Godefroi de Bouillon, and he was best known for leading an army in the First Crusade, and becoming the first European ruler in the Holy Land. Godfrey of Bouillon was born in about 1060 C.E. to Count Eustace II of Boulogne and his wife Ida, who was the daughter of Duke Godfrey II of Lower Lorraine. His elder brother, Eustace III, inherited Boulogne and the familys estate in England. In 1076 his maternal uncle named Godfrey heir to the duchy of Lower Lorraine, the county of Verdun, the Marquisate of Antwerp and the territories of Stenay and Bouillon. But Emperor Henry IV delayed confirming the grant of Lower Lorraine, and Godfrey only won the duchy back in 1089, as a reward for fighting for Henry. Godfrey the Crusader In 1096, Godfrey joined the First Crusade with Eustace and his younger brother, Baldwin. His motivations are unclear; he had never shown any notable devotion to the Church, and in the investiture controversy he had supported the German ruler against the pope. The terms of the mortgage agreements he drew up in preparation for going to the Holy Land suggest that Godfrey had no intention of staying there. But he raised considerable funds and a formidable army, and he would become one of the most important leaders of the First Crusade. Upon his arrival at Constantinople, Godfrey immediately clashed with Alexius Comnenus over the oath the emperor wanted the crusaders to take, which included the provision that any recovered lands that had once been part of the empire be restored to the emperor. Though Godfrey clearly had not planned to settle in the Holy Land, he balked at this. Tensions grew so strained that they came to violence; but ultimately Godfrey took the oath, though he harbored serious reservations and not a little resentment. That resentment probably grew stronger when Alexius surprised the Crusaders by taking possession of Nicea after they had besieged it, robbing them of the opportunity to plunder the city for spoil. In their progress through the Holy Land, some of the Crusaders took a detour to find allies and supplies, and they ended up establishing a settlement in Edessa. Godfrey acquired Tilbesar, a prosperous region that would make it possible for him to supply his troops more readily and help him increase his number of followers. Tilbesar, like the other areas acquired by the Crusaders at this time, had once been Byzantine; but neither Godfrey nor any of his associates offered to turn any of these lands over to the emperor. Ruler of Jerusalem After the Crusaders captured Jerusalem when fellow crusade leader Raymond of Toulouse refused to become king of the city, Godfrey agreed to rule; but he wouldnt take the title of king. He was instead called Advocatus Sancti Sepulchri (Protector of the Holy Sepulchre). Shortly thereafter, Godfrey and his fellow crusaders beat back a force of encroaching Egyptians. With Jerusalem thus secured - at least for the time being - most of the crusaders decided to return home. Godfrey now lacked support and guidance in governing the city, and the arrival of papal legate Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, complicated matters. Daimbert, who shortly became the patriarch of Jerusalem, believed the city and, indeed, the entire Holy Land should be governed by the church. Against his better judgment, but without any alternative, Godfrey became Daimberts vassal. This would make Jerusalem the subject of an ongoing power struggle for years to come. However, Godfrey would play no further part in this matter; he died unexpectedly on July 18, 1100. After his death, Godfrey became the subject of legends and songs, thanks in large part to his height, his fair hair and his good looks. Sources: Brà ©hier at the Cathoic Encycopedia. Godfrey of BouillonBrundage, James at Paul Halsalls Medieval Sourcebook. William of Tyre: Godfrey Of Bouillon Becomes Defender Of The Holy Sepulcher.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Project Example

Project Example Project – Term Paper Example BUSINESS STRATEGIES By Business Strategies Sales strategy is a deliberate and thoughtful activity that business owners use to achieve their desired goal which is particularly increasing their sales. In this regard, places and time to make a sale are determined through a rational process to facilitate the achievement of the highest profits. To develop a strategy, a plan has to be laid down since it is meant for future objectives. Effective approach involves understanding the target market, networking, and surveys, building relationships, and conducting a follow-up monitoring program. The idea is aimed at attaining the sales opportunities to rigor on what works and to get rid of what does not (Pride & Ferrell 2006, 47). The rationale of sales strategy is to analyze the business sales cycle to meet the long term goals. Categorically, the strategy can be direct or indirect. The former means the sales people are talking directly to the consumers about the product features compared to othe rs, while in the latter case talks on the features unavailable to the competitor’s product or services.To improve sales, business owners must also look on to the best channels of distribution of goods and services to the end-user or ultimate purchaser. This strategy focuses on how to reach the target market, however, to accomplish this, factors that have to be considered include, business location, market location, how to reach the market, stock warehousing, and transportation logistics. Businesspersons debate on whether to distribute their goods or services directly to the consumers or through the middlemen (Pride & Ferrell 2006, 53-63). Nonetheless, the ultimate aim is to reach the consumers faster, efficiently, and with minimal costs involved. It is worth noting that distribution is an important element of marketing in getting the best product to the customer in the right time.Business strategy also requires promotion, which in turn involves public relations, advertisement s, personal selling, and other forms of sales promotions. The marketing out of business is the most costly of all the strategies. Promotion is objected to expanding the customer or client base. It opens new window to opportunities for business growth and development. It, therefore, entails regards to time, labor, and costs. Distribution intermediaries, wholesaler, and retailers must also be contacted through proper communication channels (Pride & Ferrell 2006, 145-152). Direct calls, mails, use of media, social networks, and salespersons are some of the mechanism of updating them or reminding them of the product changes.In conclusion, marketing requires strategies in the various levels of production, warehousing, distribution, sales and promotion, and communication. It is about having the right product of required quantity to the right customer, within the recommended time.List of ReferencePride, w. M., & Ferrell, o. C. (2006). Marketing: concepts and strategies. Boston, Houghton Mi fflin Co.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The American welfare program encourages abuse and Entitlement Research Paper

The American welfare program encourages abuse and Entitlement - Research Paper Example The welfare program in the U.S. encourages abuse and entitlement by altering the resilient attitude of vulnerable groups. â€Å"Members of vulnerable populations have often displayed remarkable resilience and ingenuity in addressing their own needs† (Jansson 5). In low income communities, informal support systems are usually in place. Neighbors and church members help each other. For some groups, demand for welfare services is even lower. â€Å"Foreigners have lower health expenditures than native-born Americans and contribute more to the economy, both in productivity and taxes, than the public service they may receive† (Viladrich 825). When welfare programs broadly target certain groups without considering particular needs for purposes of determining eligibility, the attitude of resilience can shift to dependence. â€Å"In a welfare state context, multiculturalism may not be beneficial for immigrants at all, because it may lead to dependence on welfare-state arrangeme nts and thereby to social and economic marginalization†. Dependence can lead to abuse. The American welfare program encourages abuse and entitlement in not addressing social barriers to employment. Welfare recipients commonly face â€Å"low or few job skills, low educational attainment, lack of jobs in the community, and problems with transportation as barriers to finding and sustaining employment† ... When social welfare acts as a buffer for low income families without being linked to empowerment, this encourages dependent attitudes that breed abuse. The welfare program in the U.S. encourages abuse and entitlement by altering the resilient attitude of vulnerable groups. â€Å"Members of vulnerable populations have often displayed remarkable resilience and ingenuity in addressing their own needs† (Jansson 5). In low income communities, informal support systems are usually in place. Neighbors and church members help each other. For some groups, demand for welfare services is even lower. â€Å"Foreigners have lower health expenditures than native-born Americans and contribute more to the economy, both in productivity and taxes, than the public service they may receive† (Viladrich 825). When welfare programs broadly target certain groups without considering particular needs for purposes of determining eligibility, the attitude of resilience can shift to dependence. †Å"In a welfare state context, multiculturalism may not be beneficial for immigrants at all, because it may lead to dependence on welfare-state arrangements and thereby to social and economic marginalization† (Koopmans 2). Dependence can lead to abuse. The American welfare program encourages abuse and entitlement in not addressing social barriers to employment. Welfare recipients commonly face â€Å"low or few job skills, low educational attainment, lack of jobs in the community, and problems with transportation as barriers to finding and sustaining employment† (Blalock, Tiller, and Monroe 134). Welfare is only one component of the poverty alleviation formula. These barriers have to be

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Films of Alfred Hitchcock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Films of Alfred Hitchcock - Essay Example As with the lipstick-stained handkerchief, the articles in Rebecca’s bedroom provide an ominous presentation of her lingering presence in Cornwall. Here, Rebecca’s room space depicts that her presence is represented in her bedroom. Because of this, the new Mrs. de Winter is overwhelmed by the sheer strength of Rebecca’s spirit, as she cannot escape her signs whenever she turns in the house (8). The continuous remain of Rebecca’s presence overwhelms her, thus believing that her husband is still in love with Rebecca. Even Mrs. Danvers suggests that Rebecca wanders the hall of the apartment and watches the second wife when she is with Maxim. These mansion settings turn into haunted houses since the inhabitants are preyed upon, stalked, and often eventually killed in them. In Notorious (1946), Hitchcock explores the meanings of familiar domestic and architectural spaces. Observe, for example, what the film is doing with the balcony in the apartment scenes. Initially, the balcony provides a view for which back-projected picture-postcard of exotic romance; subsequently, it virtually disappears, dissolves, as we draw towards, gets absorbed in the lovers. In other words, Hitchcock depicts that it is a private space, a place for intimacy (Brandt 13). Later, the balcony is represented as cold and dark as well as airy. It mirrors the mismatches and distances between the characters as they squabble. In Alicia’s apartment in the first scene is the perfect, blissful moment of love. The space of the apartment is depicted as everything in it. Starting from the level of staging, cutting, framing, and lighting. It creates that sense and sensation of perfect union, which is of the oneness of the lovers (Brandt 13). Both the outer and inner parts of the house are joined, opening in one continuous strip of space that is bound by a firm sensual luminosity. In the film, Psycho (1960), Hitchcock

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evaluating nursing practice through theories and models Essay

Evaluating nursing practice through theories and models - Essay Example Models become necessary when representations of various interactions among different concepts needs to be shown and patterns established. Theories should be able to give nursing practice the foundation it needs in order to develop more knowledge in the area and provide the direction such a nursing professional practice needs to take (Alligood & Tomey, 2002, pp.56-78). The paper looks at these nursing models and theories and in particular addresses the Florence Nightingales Legacy of Caring; Orem Theory and Paplau's Theory and points out their underlying theoretical and evidence base for each of them. The strengths and weakness of each of these theories are also discussed. A case study will be carried out on one of these models and theories to help illustrate its application further. This case study involves how to take care of peripherally inserted central catheter paediatric patients for chemo therapy purpose long term care. The peripheral IV devises are those cannula that are inser ted into a peripheral vein that is small for purposes of therapy in cases where medications, blood products or fluids need to be administered to patients. The peripherally inserted central catheter devices or PICC are usually inserted into brachial veins or basilica or cephalic veins and do get into the large vein or superior vena cava. Little is however known regarding the risk of complications in applying these devices to paediatric patients with cancer who are under chemotherapy (Callaghan, et al., 2002, pp.256-64). This will be further illustrated by taking into account the metaparadigms in nursing application such as infection Control of this condition, relevant education that is needed, health situation, the environmental setting, and the kind of nursing required. A... The objective of this research is to acquire a better insight of nursing models and theories. There are various models that have been put forward in the nursing profession to help in the evidence based practices. Some of these models and theories include, but not limited to, Florence Nightingales Legacy of Caring, Orem’s Theory, Paplau's Theory, Neumans’s Health Care System Model, Myra Estrin Levine’s: The conservation model, and Patricia Benner’s Primacy of caring, among others. Indeed the importance of models and theories in nursing profession cannot be overemphasized because they hold a critical point in the evidence-based nursing practice which cannot be ignored if professional practice is to be upheld. These concepts are very useful in the success of any nursing professional in providing healthcare to his or her patients. The theoretical models discussed above have been used in various medical settings in assisting patients cope and deal with their co nditions. Paediatric patients on chemotherapy need special care. PICCs are a choice for patients who need long-term IV access and many practitioners would choose PICCs due to the fact that they are durable and pose fewer problems when it comes to insertion and their removal after use. There is however a high rate of complication with cancer patients when PICCs are used, especially during chemotherapy. But that aside, the fact that these PICCs do not require a surgical procedure, less pain experienced during insertion, and ease of removing them after use, make PICCs preferred for patients especially paediatric patients under chemotherapy.